Friday, August 30, 2019

How to gain weight

HOW TO GAIN WEIGHT- Eat more calories then your body burns to get bigger weight dont drink water before meals this can fill your stomach and make it harder to get in enough calories try weight gainer shakes 


1) Milk has been used as a weight gainer or muscles builder it provides a good balance of protein carbs and fats and is a good source of calcium  
2) Rice  is a convenient, low- cost carb source to help you gain weight 
3) Potatoes and starches foods are a very easy and cost  effective way to add in extra calories
oats, corn, potatoes and sweet potatoes. potatoes is a good source of carbs and aslo provide important nutrients and fiber 
4)Protein supplements- taking protein supplement for athletes and bodybuilder who want to gain weight whey protein mass gainer  contains all the essential amino acid required to stimulate muscle growth
4)Dried fruit - is a high colorie dried fruit contain lots of fiber and most of their vitamins and minerals intact
5) Whole - Gain Bread - are another good carb source to help you gain weight especially when combined with a good protein source 
6) Avocados - are fairly calorie-dense and therefore a great foods to help you gain weight also help high in vitamins minerals and various beneficial plant compounds 
7) Healthy cereals - best source of carbs ,colories and nutrients like fiber and healthy antioxidants focus on these healthy choice oats,Granola, Multigrains,Bran 
8)Whole Eggs - one of the healthiest muscle building foods on the planet. they provide a great combination of high - quality protein and healthy fats 


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